Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Busy Bee is Back!

Wow! I think it's been a year since I last touched this blog site, or any blog for that matter. Imagine I've been that busy. I was on the go, on the move day in and day out, with a large bump right in front of me! Well, that just goes to say that being pregnant does not mean cutting down on your activities or locking yourself up within the walls of your home. In my case, it was the opposite.

Yup, I was working. Pregnant women like myself are allowed to work even up to the day we actually give birth. For those who are not going through sensitive or rough pregnancies and have not been advised by their doctors to rest, regular stress is okay. Some say it's actually healthy.

There are people who believe that working pregnant women should take it easy. It was different for me, though. Aside from driving on my own from one place to another up until I was about to give birth, I was also working part-time as a teacher during the day time, and then taking on writing stints online in the afternoons. When summer arrived, my husband and I ventured into the insurance and investment industry for which we had to go through continuous trainings for several nights. At the same time, we were selling kebabs at a night bazaar in Makati! I was tired, but happy.

The night before the day I was admitted into the hospital, I was at the bazaar on our entrepreneurial undertaking. From time to time until midnight, I would engage in brisk walking around the area in order for the baby to move downward and be ready to come out. Sure enough, it hastened the process. The next day, the doctor told me I was ready to give birth!

Indeed working pregnant women must only do the daily grind if they are happy about it and if they feel that their bodies can handle it. Of course, to be on the safe side, always be sure to consult your doctor.

Image Credit:

Blogging by Mommy Olive

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