If you think you have a knack for writing, why not try your luck with the many possibilities swarming on the Internet so you can earn from this talent of yours? Writing online is becoming quite a popular trend at present, and if you are based here in the Philippines, you already have an advantage because Filipinos are known to be hard workers plus we can usually use the English language better than other nationalities.
You may be surprised to find out that writing online can actually bring in more bucks than if you work for 8 hours as an employee. The regular salary of an ordinary Filipino ranges only from P10,000 to P25,000, and the given raise each year is just measly and often gets eaten up by the tax. With online writing opportunities, you can enjoy hourly rates of around $2-$10/hour depending on your credentials. At first you may not be given a high rate yet, but as you go along, you can get raises every three months and your accumulated experience and portfolio of works can push up your earning several notches higher! What's more, this hourly rate is not just for one client. You can have as many clients as you can handle and therefore maximize your earning potential.
Some online writers choose to be paid with fixed rates. There are clients who also prefer this alternative. In this set-up, you are paid for each piece of work that you submit or for every project that you complete. It really depends on your agreement or contract. If you are fortunate, you can earn as much as $30 for just one 500-word article! But the common rate given is usually $3-$10 for this number of words.
Other great benefits of writing online include being your own boss and not having to attend meetings and take on other additional work you don't like; having time freedom to work at your own pace and choose your amount of work; saving on gas, food and clothing allowance; and enjoying the alignment of your income with the work you do (the more hours you put in or the more articles you complete, the higher pay you receive!).
So if you want to join the band of home-based online writers who are earning dollars without having to be apart from the family, pay a placement fee and other expenses, go through all the hassle, and adjust to a new culture, give it a try now. Keep posted for more details, tips, and suggestions about this exciting career. :)
Blogging by Mommy Olive